So I’m starting a blog.
I’ve tried this before. More than once. A blog with the family. A blog for myself. One actually had a nice series of posts that still provides a nice trip down memory lane from time to time.
As I’ve played with this idea for nearly a year now I haven’t been able to get it off the ground. I think that’s because I wasn’t really quite sure why I was doing it. And for whom.
Professional? Yes. It can be a great addition to a resume and perhaps help with networking or building some material for a nice profile of educational leadership. But that alone doesn’t quite encompass all I think I might do.
Personal? Yes. On this front too I’ve found that I want to a have a forum where I can put down some of my thoughts, save some of my favorite resources or just play around with some ideas.
Politics? No. Well hopefully not, except perhaps when it overlaps with my interests in teaching and learning.
And who is it for?
Whether this is to share with colleagues in education, family around the world, a random bunch of anybody that might find my thoughts interesting, or nobody but me was a question that also kept me from moving ahead.
But the conflict between these purposes, the intended audience, a few other ideas and a nice dose of old fashioned procrastination kept it from happening.
It was a “tagline” of sorts that finally brought some clarity of purpose: “Gathering My Thoughts…”
So it doesn’t need to specifically serve any of the purposes or people I kept juggling in mind. I hope this will simply be a place to bring together the professional, the personal, the random and the fact that those are often all mixed, mashed and overlapped together in my life. I’ll share the site publicly and probably post links in other places but it’s mostly a place to bring together a mix of what I create, discover or want to keep close by so I can come back to it later.
A place to gather my thoughts on a book I just finished? Yes
A place to post an article that I may have a few thoughts about? Yes
A place to put a piece of writing from my work? Yes.
A place to record a story or memory from my past? Yes
A place to post a favorite photo, song, poem, etc…? Yes, absolutely.
Hopefully all of these things and more. I’m just gathering my thoughts…